Sunday, May 23, 2010

Can anyone explain that to me ?

Whats the Future of Social Media at This Stage ?
Do you mean 4.0 is going to Be in our Blood cells ?

No looking Back

Had a wonderful time with my best friends in Paradise Island Resort . As usual invited me for a night.

Spent most of the time with both of them on there Upgraded Haven Suite . It was more than the Paradise, When they name the new Water Villas of the island as HAVEN. I wonder why they name it HAVEN ( a place of safety or refuge : a haven for wildlife.• an inlet providing shelter for ships or boats; a harbor or small port. ) Check on Answers .

I am back to work and we have strong targets to complete our projects asap. trying to schedule everything on a way to run our operations smoothly gaining back more trust from our customers.

If we need to survive, We have to think positive, Be responsive and be responsible for what ever we do.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Are we ready for South Africa WorldCup ?

The Worldcup Finals are going to Kickoff in Few weeks time.

It's going to be the First World Cup season for Our ( ) team.

And We expect to get a huge order traffic this time.

Just trying to figure out how we will manage it, Also thinking of making some special Packages.

We want our customers to just Sit, Relax and Enjoy the matches with great snacks &  Fast food delivery from your favorite restaurants via

We might have to Request Pre-Ordering from our customers to avoid Late Deliveries.

Do you know? operations was started in 20th February 2009, With only 3 vendor Restaurants.