Saturday, May 14, 2011

Quick sneak peek into Badhige v.Undhuli

This version of Badhige is not only focused on a User friendly interface & Information.

We have planned to bring major changes to our operations, delivery charges along with more benifits & Giveaways to our customers.

Official Launch Date is 26th May 2011.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Giving a Off day to your ideas.

How do I get a off Day  (  even  Weekends does not count I have to think about innovations, whats the latest trends what can be done to do it ).

Still, find time to turn few pages on Flipboard also do some research on the web before making any decision to myself. Being myself might not let me do the right thing always.

My Interest on online Business starts from the fact that I totally want to do something out of the box  that will benefit the community. Thinking If they invent in Europe and USA why cant we Reinvent those ideas that will fit into our society.

I always want to Understand and Try and come with new ways that connect us all. Believing someday those investors will realize how profitable and useful our work will become and give a helping hand to us.

And comes the most common Question from Family and Auditors, Why are you really wasting your time on this ? And my Answer is I believe that sustainable way to generate a income comes when we open our eyes and give our commitment to it and that's how i want my team to think.

Everyone is now on a boost because of Internet and how Smart Phone, Tablets and iPads Connect us. Specially those Android and Apple Devices.

Everyone knows we are heading for a Great Boost, But still none of us know where exactly we will end-up.