Thursday, September 17, 2009

Change in Plans

I been having this sever cold and dry cough for almost a month now...had bunch of different medicines and antibiotics...I believe its a Asthmatic allergy from the Termites in office and my room...Its been treated with chemicals, still the dust mites are all over... killing me softly...:)

We did plan...but sometimes we have to slowdown things...There is still a advantage on this...
Because I have more time to think and come up with a better solution for the Ideas ...Yet to come...

I just need to get fit and be True to myself...

Its been months i been struggling to establish myself, so i can clear all the accusations against me.
I just can't forget the PAST experiences i had...I just wanna earn and help those who are in need...
and save my ass from what ever challenges ahead.

1 comment:

  1. hei man... i went to your office but most of the time i go i see you asleep... ehenve undhagoo nukoh dhany... well my new office just near your place... get well soon dude... insha allah may well you soon... :)
